Federation Internationale des Associations de Multimedia

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The Federation Internationale des Associations de Multimedia (FIAM) [ International Federation of Multimedia organizations ] is a non-governmental organization in Montreal .

FIAM was founded by Hervé Fischer in 1997 in Canada. Its members are digital media associations that represent medium-sized companies in the field of multimedia and internet services as well as technologies and content. The association also has an international network. B. belong to the United Nations in connection with the ECOSOC (economic and social) program since 2004, the organization International Francophone , the Commonwealth of Nations , Spanish and Portuguese organizations as well as companies and foundations. FIAM's headquarters are in Montreal , with further offices in China, Europe and Australia, represented there by AIMIA .

FIAM provides support and assistance for international communication between business and government partners. One of the projects is to lead the public-private partnership for the Digital Park project in Shenyang, China.

Since 2004, FIAM has organized the annual “ World Summit on Internet and Multimedia ”. The congresses took place successively in Montreal, Abu Dhabi , Montreux , Beijing and Shenyang . In addition, annual workshops and programs are held.

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