Light railway from Peitaiho

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Light railway from Peitaiho
Route length: 7 km
Gauge : 600 mm ( narrow gauge )
Railway station, station - across
standard gauge railway line Tianjin - Shanhaiguan
End station - start of the route
0 Peitaiho (today: Beidaihe )
Route - straight ahead
End station - end of the line
7th Summer camp, provisions office and convalescent home

The Peitaiho light railway was a 7 km long light railway with a gauge of 600 mm near Peitaiho (today: Beidaihe ) in China .

Route and history

The German-style light railway connected the Peitaiho station on the standard-gauge Tianjin - Shanhaiguan railway with a military summer camp 7 km away. A troop of 4,000 men was stationed there and there was a provision office and a convalescent home.

The line was built in September 1900. There was so much traffic on it that it could hardly handle it with 18 to 22 trains per day, which initially consisted of 3 and later 4 cars. On some days the load of 26 standard gauge wagons with a load capacity of 20 t had to be carried.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Victor Freiherr von Röll: Encyclopedia of the Railway System. Second edition, Volume 5, Urban & Schwarzenberg, Berlin, 1914, p. 57.
  2. ^ Alfred Bernd Gottwaldt, Paul Dost, Walter Ess and Karl Sander: Heeresfeldbahnen: Construction and use of the military narrow-gauge railways in two world wars. Motorbuch Verlag, 1986. pp. 66-67.