Felix Hesse

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Franz Michael Felix Hesse (born June 12, 1836 in Schopfheim , † April 21, 1880 in Berlin ) was a German actor and director .


He began his acting career in Görlitz, then came from there to Leipzig and other first theaters, also acted as director for a long time, including at the Carl-Schultze-Theater in Hamburg from 1874 to 1876 .

Hesse, who last lived in Hamburg, died in Berlin's Kaiserin-Augusta-Hospital . He was married to the actress Julie Alwine Wilhelmine Emilie Rottmayer (1838-1918). Her daughter Auguste Nathalie Wilhelmine Selma Hesse (1866-1939) also became an actress and was married to the actor Otto Robert Woisch (* 1851).


Individual evidence

  1. Death register StA Berlin XI, No. 809/1880