Felix Trieste

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Felix Ludwig Anton Alexis Triest (* July 17, 1838 in Marienwerder , † after 1878) was a German government assessor in Breslau and the author and editor of the still authoritative Topographical Handbook of Upper Silesia.


In September 1854, at the age of only 16.5, Trieste graduated from the municipal high school in Breslau. In the winter semester of 1854 he studied law and camera studies in Heidelberg and continued his studies from the summer semester of 1855 at the Friedrich-Wilhelm University of Berlin until 1858. After completing the legal training courses, he was a government assessor in Breslau at the latest in 1864 and then with the government in Opole .


supporting documents

  1. ^ Register office Berlin IV: marriage register . No. 73/1878.