Taşköprü rock inscription

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Taşköprü rock inscription (Urartu)

The rock inscription of Taşköprü (Daš-kerpi, Daš Kerpi) of the Urartian king Sarduri II is located 2 km west of the southern end of Lake Çıldır in northern Turkey ( Arpaçay district , Kars province ).

It tells of the campaign against Uḫimeali and the conquest of Maqaltū ( URU Ma-aq-al-tú-u), which we know from other sources to be the capital of Iga . According to Harutjunjan, it has nothing to do with Uḫimeali.

D Ḫaldi the great. Sarduri, son of Argišti speaks: When I covered the (land) Uḫimeali with war, while pursuing this path I took URU Maqaltū. I took men and women away to KUR Bianili. "

The inscription was presented in 1919 by Nikolai Jakowlewitsch Marr . Further publications were made by Archibald Henry Sayce , J. Meščaninov and Gregorij Melikišvili . A copy of the inscription is in the Georgian National Museum in Tbilisi .

It is likely that Maqaltū was in the immediate vicinity of the village Taşköprü ( ) and that the Kingdom of Iga had its center on the southern Çıldır Lake. The land of Quriani may have been in the neighborhood.


  • NW Harutjurjan: Корпус уратсқих қлинообразных надписеӣ. Ереван, Гитутюн 2001, 248.
  • IM Diakonoff , SM Kashkai: Répertoire Géographique des textes cuneiformes. 9. Geographical names according to Urartian texts. Wiesbaden 1981, 26, 55.
  • Friedrich Wilhelm König : Handbook of the Chaldic inscriptions. IN: Archive for Orient Research. Supplement 8. Graz 1955, 1957, No. 108.
  • Archibald Sayce, Journal Royal Anthropological Society 1929, 335.
  • GA Melikišvili: Урартские клинообразные надписи. Москва: Издательство АН СССР, 1960, No. 159.
  • J. Meščaninov: New Chaldic Inscriptions II. The Inscription of Sardur III. in Daš-kerpi. In: Archive for Orient Research. 7, 1931/32, 160-164.

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Individual evidence

  1. Melikišvili 1960 (159) has KUR Uhimeašu (or Uhime)
  2. NW Harutjurjan, Корпус уратсқих қлинообразных надписеӣ. Ереван, Гитутюн 2001, 263, note 3
  3. Н. Я. Марр, Надпись Сардура II, сына Аргиштия, в Даш-керпи на Чалдирском озере. Записки Кавказского Музея Серия В-I, Петроград 1919