Fence (literary magazine)

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The literary journal Fence is published both in print and online . It is dedicated to both new publications and the criticism of materials that can be described as experimental or avant-garde .


The poet Rebecca Wolff founded the magazine in 1997 and the first issue appeared in 1998. The editors of the twice-yearly magazine were, among others, Jonathan Lethem and Ben Marcus responsible for fiction , Matthew Rohrer and Caroline Crumpacker responsible for poetry and Frances Richard responsible for non-fiction. The magazine is based in Albany , where it works with the New York State Writers Institute at University at Albany, The State University of New York . Rebecca Wolff is still the responsible editor today.

The sister magazine La Presse , edited by Cole Sweeny , publishes contemporary French poetry in English. The book publishing Fence Books has published a number of works by younger, more unconventional poets. Fence has also teamed up with Mc Sweenie's , Wave Books and Open City in order to be able to publish their publications on bigsmallpress . Fence also operates an online literary criticism service, The Constant Critic .

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