Window right

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Window right at the Hundertwasser House in Vienna:
advance payment by Hundertwasser

The window right was an idea and demand of the artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser . Every resident should therefore have the right to paint the facade around his window as far as his arm can reach. The term is also used with a different meaning in Austrian law.


The window right was first mentioned in 1958 in Hundertwasser's mold manifestation .

“A man in an apartment building must be able to lean out of his window and - as far as his hands can reach - scrape off the masonry. And he must be allowed to paint everything pink with a long brush - as far as he can - so that one can see from a distance, from the street: there lives a person who differs from his neighbors, the assigned one Small cattle! He must also be able to saw the walls and make all sorts of changes, even if this disturbs the harmonious architectural image of a so-called masterpiece of architecture, and he must be able to fill his room with mud or plasticine.
But this is prohibited in the rental agreement!
It is time people themselves revolted against being placed in box constructions, like the chicken and rabbits in cage constructions that are alien to them. "

- Friedensreich Hundertwasser : 1958

Window right and the "third skin"

For Hundertwasser, the house was the “third skin” of people - just as intimate and personal after the skin of the body and clothing. It must be designed by people themselves. Bright colors, playful shapes and a wide variety of materials were used in his architecture. But since restrictive building regulations in many places do not allow creative design, he announced the "window right":

"A resident must have the right to lean out of his window and rearrange everything on the outside wall as it suits him as far as his arm reaches so that one can see from a distance, from the street: a person lives there."

- Friedensreich Hundertwasser

He later specified "as far as the arm can reach" by "as far as a man can reach with a long brush". As a result, individual and collective actions arose in which residents of tenement houses designed their own facade.

“Anyone who makes use of their window rights and then gets into trouble with the authorities can contact me. I help him."

- Friedensreich Hundertwasser : 1997

Implementation in the lease

In the Hundertwasserhaus in Vienna , the window right is stipulated in the rental agreement:


(…) 2. Der Mieter ist zur Ausübung des „Fensterrechtes“ berechtigt. Im Sinne des Satzes von Hundertwasser:

„Ein Bewohner muß das Recht haben, sich aus seinem Fenster zu lehnen und außen an der Außenwand alles umzugestalten
soweit sein Arm reicht, damit man von weitem sehen kann: dort wohnt ein Mensch“

darf der Mieter die zu seinem Mietobjekt gehörige Außenfront um sein Fenster herum kreativ-schöpferisch umgestalten…
Die bei Einzug vorgefundene Gestaltung untersteht nicht dem Denkmalschutz.

Im Rahmen des „Fensterrechtes“ darf der Mieter auch die Hundertwasser-Gestaltung abändern, da diese Gestaltung nur eine Vorleistung für das Fensterrecht ist…

Hundertwasser, 1985

The lease agreement in Vienna was later amended as follows: “The tenant must, however, obtain the approval of MA 19 (municipal building authority) and the building authority. The approved changes must be reported to the landlord. "

The tenants are also allowed to exercise window rights in the Green Citadel of Magdeburg .


Window right, exercised on houses that were not designed by Hundertwasser:

In houses that were designed by Hundertwasser himself, the window right does not seem to be exercised by the residents.

Window dictatorship and window law

Hundertwasser condemned the "racial segregation of the windows" and described such monotony as a "feature of the concentration camps". With the window right, he campaigned politically and artistically for human freedom and self-determination.


Under the name “The Third Skin”, the royal privileged porcelain factory Tettau produces a large cup with pictures of windows that are painted according to the “window right”. The cup is part of a series of six showing objects by Hundertwasser.

Term in Austrian law

In Austrian law ( ABGB §488) the "window right" is an easement that gives the right to open a window in a foreign wall. An easement according to §476 - the right that a window is not "built up" - is often referred to as "window right".

There is no connection between these terms and the window right required by Hundertwasser.

Individual evidence

  1. Friedensreich Hundertwasser - Mold - Manifest
  2. ^ Wieland Schmied: Hundertwasser KunstHausWien . Taschen 199, Cologne
  3. Interview. In: Spiegel-Special , 7/97
  4. Blog in
  5. ^ Hundertwasser: Window dictatorship and window rights - a manifesto, 1990
  6. §488 ABGB
  7. §476 ABGB
  8. decision TE OGH 12.12.2007 6Ob278 / 06K