Mold manifestation

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Title page of the mold manifestation, 1958

The mold manifestation against rationalism in architecture was presented by the painter Friedensreich Hundertwasser on July 4, 1958 in the Seckau Abbey and supplemented in 1959 and 1964. In this basic position against the rationalism and functionalism of modern architecture and its cult of the right angle Hundertwasser first developed his basic alternative construction philosophy , which at the "good curve," the ornament on environmental integration in the nature of a colorful, diverse the facades is oriented, and also calls for residents to participate in the pursuit of “beauty”. It was here that window rights were also required for the first time.

The artist's later construction activity from the Hundertwasser House in Vienna (which, however, always took place with the prominent participation of architects) can be explained from the idealistic specifications of the Moldy Manifesto. Critical objections are usually a certain affinity for the past on the part of Hundertwasser and his primary interest in the surface design of the buildings (“facadeism”). The accusation of populism and the fair aesthetics also emerges . Hundertwasser, who, according to the mold manifesto , valued the facade decoration of the Wilhelminian era as much as the outsider architecture of the Watts Towers , or the Palais idéal by Ferdinand Cheval, etc., tended to accept these accusations and the accusation that he was a "handsome" one as an honorary title to interpret.

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