Remote control terminal

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As a remote terminal unit ( RTU , German remote control terminal ) is a technical or control instrument for remote control . It is used for process technology , energy transmission , energy distribution and energy generation , where certain processes can be monitored and / or remotely controlled from a control room or a distant center. The term telecontrol is also used for this, which is why RTUs are often called telecontrol devices in German-speaking countries.

The transmission between the control station and the RTU takes place via pilot cable, wireless or an existing communication technology. A so-called Power Line Carrier (PLC) is used to transmit the control data on a high-voltage line . In recent times, PLC has increasingly been replaced by the transmission of data in a fiber optic cable integrated into the earth wire of a high-voltage line. This enables a much higher transmission capacity. The protocols IEC 60870-5-101 / 104 and IEC 61850 are used in telecontrol technology and in communication inside and outside switchgear .

Individual evidence

  1. Olof Leps: The construction of operating and control systems . In: Hybrid test environments for critical infrastructures . Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2018, ISBN 978-3-658-22613-8 , pp. 25–39 , doi : 10.1007 / 978-3-658-22614-5_3 ( [accessed December 30, 2018]).