Telephone rules

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The telephone order ( FO ) was an ordinance of the former Reichspost and later the Deutsche Bundespost . It initially supplemented the telephone charges order , in which mainly the fees and costs for the basic services provided by the Reichspost were specified, with descriptions of the network structure and the connections, services and services offered. From the revision of the telephone regulations of 1924, telephone charges were included as an appendix.


In the first version of 1921, the telephone code contained 31 paragraphs :

  • §1: The public network
  • §2: The local networks and their connection area
  • §3: The working hours
  • §4: The main connections
  • §5: The branch lines
  • §6: The cross connections
  • §7: The junction boxes
  • §8: The additional facilities
  • §9: The setup fee
  • §10: The surcharges for lines outside the 5 km circle and the cost subsidies for particularly expensive lines and apparatus
  • §11: The telephone subscribers
  • §12: Making the connections
  • §13: The relocation and transfer of telephone equipment for the participants, the conversion of main and secondary lines, replacements and other work at the telephone stations
  • §14: The official telephone books
  • §15: The public telephones
  • §16: Local traffic
  • §17: Long-distance traffic
  • §18: Suburban and district traffic
  • §19: The conversations to which a person is called, the conversations with advance notice, the passing on of short messages by postal agents and owners of auxiliary stations or municipal public telephones
  • §20: The calls at night and the monthly calls
  • §21: The permanent connections during the service breaks of the switching centers
  • §22: The accident reporting service
  • §23: The transmission of telegrams, the weather forecast and the time of day by telephone
  • §24: The secondary telegraphs and the special telegraphs
  • §25: The due date and payment of fees, claims for reimbursement and inquiries
  • §26: The reduction and discount of fees
  • §27: The duration of the participation
  • §28: The cessation of operations, the blocking and withdrawal of connections
  • §29: Liability
  • §30: The one-time telephone fee
  • §31: Final and Transitional Provisions

In the last revision of 1956 there were 45 paragraphs and three appendices.


With the publication in the Reichsgesetzblatt on August 25, 1921, the telephone regulations became law . The telephone regulations were issued on the basis of Section 12 of the Telephone Fees Act of July 11, 1921. Since the telephone regulations also stipulated fees and costs for connections and devices, they had to be changed in the event of changes in fees, as well as the addition or removal of devices. The changes were made through the announcement of corresponding "ordinances amending the telephone regulations" in the government's public gazette:

  • until 1923 in the Reichsgesetzblatt ,
  • from 1924 to 1945 in the official gazette of the Reich Ministry of Post ,
  • from 1948 to 1949 in the official gazette of the main administration for the postal and telecommunications system of the United Economic Area ,
  • from 1950 to 1969 in the official gazette of the Federal Minister for the Post and Telecommunications and
  • from 1969 to 1970 in the Federal Law Gazette .

Around 40 changes were made during the entire period of validity of the Telephone Code. New versions were published at irregular intervals that took into account previous changes:

  • December 1922
  • June 1924
  • February 1927
  • November 1939
  • 1950
  • March 1956

On July 1, 1971, the telephone regulations were replaced by the telecommunications regulations .


  • Instruction sheets of the German Federal Post Office: Main telephone connections (provisions of the telephone regulations). Issue 5/1963

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Reichsgesetzblatt of August 30, 1921: The telephone order. 25 August 1921.
  2. Federal Ministry for the Post and Telecommunications System (Ed.): Telephone regulations with implementation provisions. March 1956.
  3. Federal Law Gazette of May 14, 1971: Announcement of the telecommunications regulations .