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The festival announcement is a rite of episcopal churches in the Solemnity of the Epiphany on the proclamation of the Gospel or the closing prayer in the Eucharistic celebration follows.

In this rite, a deacon , canon or cantor announces the dates of the movable feasts of the church year, which are dependent on the date of Easter . Based on the feast of the apparition, the announcement lists the major festivals of the church year, which depend on the moving Easter, and closes after the announcement of the first Advent of the next church year with the joyful expectation of the return of Jesus Christ .

This announcement has always been sung in the tone of the Exsultet . The rite goes back to the 4th century, after the Council of Nicaea in 325 determined a uniform Easter date for the entire Roman Empire .


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ceremonials for the Bishops , 240; Rupert Berger: Epiphany ; P. 123.
  2. Christof Emanuel Hahn, Introduction, in: Announcement to Epiphany for the Year of the Lord 2019 , German Liturgical Institute Trier, 2018.