Fet (disambiguation)

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Fet stands for:

FET is an abbreviation for:

  • fair and equitable treatment , or FET clause for short. B. in trade contracts, investors are guaranteed "fair and equitable treatment", equal treatment with residents.
  • Professional Society for Nutritional Therapy and Prevention eV, a professional society originally founded in 1999 as a society for nutritional medicine and dietetics as a non-profit association
  • Field effect transistors (engl. Field-effect transistor), a group of unipolar transistors, in which, in contrast to the bipolar transistors of only one charge type is involved in the transport stream - dependent of the type: electrons or holes or hole
  • Fluoroethyltyrosine , made from radioactive fluorine-18, a tracer for positron emission tomography (PET) in nuclear medicine for the diagnosis of gliomas
  • Earliest possible end date ; meanwhile, however, FEZ for earliest possible end time , see also network plan technology
  • Further-eastern European Time , time zone of Russia, Turkey, etc. a.
  • Future and Emerging Technologies , funding line in the EU's research framework program

See also: