Fat apron

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A fat apron is the term used to describe sagging skin on the stomach that is left behind especially when very overweight people lose a lot of weight in a relatively short period of time. Also, a connective tissue , as occurs in old age by genetic prevalence, unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle plays a role in the formation of fat aprons. In the same way, multiple pregnancies can lead to fat aprons in women , and recently also pregnancies through egg donation, which have become possible well beyond the age of 50 .

Synonyms for fat apron include the terms fat flaps, skin flaps and belly fat aprons.

Particularly high weight loss in a relatively short time often occurs after measures of bariatric surgery (such. As sleeve gastrectomy , gastric banding , gastric bypass , and others). This is certainly desirable, since the health and survival risks in the case of very large overweight should not or must not remain in critical areas for several years. Patients in bariatric surgery usually have BMI values ​​of more than 40, which corresponds to at least 50 kg overweight at 1.75 m in height.

In the case of a high degree of weight loss in a shorter time, however, the remains of the excess skin after the removal no longer recede; they often have to be surgically removed. The surgical tummy tuck used in this process is called abdominoplasty in technical jargon . The removal of fat aprons has become routine in the rapidly expanding bariatric surgery of the 21st century .

There are occasional legal disputes in Germany about the assumption of costs for the surgical removal of fat aprons by health insurance companies . The costs for such operations in Germany at the end of the 2010s are between 3,000 and 10,000 euros, depending on the case. The decision on the assumption of costs is made on a case-by-case basis according to medical indication, if there is a medical problem with impairment of body functions, for example an infection of the fat apron. In the case of a purely aesthetic problem, the costs will only be covered if it is a distortion with a considerable severity threshold.

If fat aprons remain and are not operated on afterwards, this often leads to psychological impairments for those affected, including social withdrawal and depression. It plays a role that the goal, which women in particular has longed for over many years, to be able to show themselves again in a bikini or crop top, appears even more obstructed by fat aprons. Another common effect is regain weight due to frustration.

In addition, fat aprons carry a high risk of infections , as the skin on top of them potentially sweats a lot, heats up and germs, especially fungi and bacteria , multiply quickly in the moist, warm folds and rags . Movement and the resulting friction of clothing on the skin as well as the overlapping skin flaps cause further irritation of the skin and often lead to wounds that remain permanent and can cause permanent pain.

However, the surgical removal of fat aprons also poses a risk, for example if the patient puts on weight again in a shorter period of time. This can put pressure on the still fresh surgical scars, which can lead to further complications. The surgical interventions themselves also pose a not inconsiderable risk of larger scars, wounds with impaired wound healing and, due to the severing of skin nerves, a risk of the formation of numb areas of the skin. Repeated re-operations are considered common.

The retention of fat aprons can be prevented or reduced to a limited extent through sports that strengthen connective tissue , such as swimming .