Fire service badge (North Rhine-Westphalia)

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The fire brigade performance badge is an award from the Association of Fire Brigades in NRW e. V. (VdF NRW) , which is awarded to North Rhine-Westphalian firefighters for successful participation in a corresponding performance certificate. According to the guidelines, the proof of achievement pursues the purpose of intensive training with the following goals:

Group of participants

All fire brigades organized in the VdF NRW can take part. Members of the youth fire brigade who switch to the emergency service in the year of their performance record can take part provided they are 17 years of age. A special feature in comparison to the badges of achievement in other federal states is that the proof of achievement can be carried out in group strengths as well as in relay strengths . In addition, a (surplus) tenth or seventh participant is permitted. A participant then receives a bye for the relevant components and takes part in the other exercises. Incomplete units can be supplemented by other participants.


The proof of performance usually consists of four parts. The fire-fighting part and the written answer to questions must be carried out in a binding manner; at least two parts of the parts “knots and stitches”, “sporty part” and “first aid” must be carried out.

Fire-fighting part

This part contains either an exercise in fire fighting or an exercise in technical assistance and is based on the requirements of FwDV 1 and FwDV 3. The requirements of the UVV must also be observed. The exercise scenarios are set by the organizer of the performance assessment. The following exercise options are available for fire fighting:

unit Open water extraction point hydrant
group Making 3 C-pipes

Making 1 B-pipe, 2 C-pipes

Carrying out 2 C-pipes, attack troop under PA

Making 1 foam tube , 2 C tubes

Making 2 C-tubes, ladder (2 parts)

Making 3 C-pipes

Making 1 B-pipe, 2 C-pipes

Carrying out 2 C-pipes, attack troop under PA

Making 1 foam tube, 2 C tubes

Making 2 C-tubes, ladder (2 parts)

Season Making 2 C-pipes

Making 1 B-pipe, 1 C-pipe

Making 1 foam tube, 1 C-tube

Making 2 C-pipes

Making 1 B-pipe, 1 C-pipe

Making 1 foam tube, 1 C-tube

For the technical assistance, there are identical exercise options for the group and relay. For reasons of personnel, however, lighting is not used during the relay exercises.

  • Person's leg trapped under the container
  • Person trapped in a car after a traffic accident
  • Person in the well shaft

Answering questions

Each member of the unit must answer three questions in writing. The questions are selected from the existing catalog of the VdF NRW. This catalog is renewed every 6 years.

Creating knots and stitches

Each participant has to put 3 fire brigade knots drawn beforehand . The nodes described in FwDV 1 are available for selection.

Sporty part

The entire unit runs a relay race with sections of 50 meters. The minimum personal protective equipment according to FwDV 1 must be worn. For the objects to be transported in the relay race, small fire-fighting equipment must be used (e.g. coupling keys ).

First aid part

All participants in the unit take part in an exercise, with the following choice:


The objective of the performance assessment is achieved by the unit when all the exercise parts have been carried out by the unit, the total time for the fire-fighting part does not exceed 300 seconds, three of the specified knots and / or stitches have been created in a maximum of 180 seconds, the athletic one Part was carried out in a maximum time of 120 (group) or 80 seconds (relay), three different questions per participant answered from the specified catalog of questions, the total time for the first aid part does not exceed 300 seconds and the total number of failure points does not exceed 15 failure points.


All participants receive a certificate for the successful proof of performance and, depending on the frequency of participation, the fire service badge in one of the following levels.

  • Bronze (1st participation)
  • Silver (3rd participation)
  • Gold (5th participation)
  • Gold on a blue background (10th participation)
  • Gold on a red background (15th participation)
  • Gold on a green background (20th participation)
  • Gold with year number (25th, 30th and 35th participation)
  • Gold with year and wreath (40th participation)

Individual evidence

  1. Guideline for the implementation of the performance assessment of the Association of Fire Brigades in North Rhine-Westphalia