Spruce hammer

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Spruce hammer
Spruce spruce (Emberiza leucocephalos), male in plain dress

Spruce spruce ( Emberiza leucocephalos ),
male in plain dress

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Superfamily : Passeroidea
Family : Bunting (Emberizidae)
Genre : Ammern ( Emberiza )
Type : Spruce hammer
Scientific name
Emberiza leucocephalos
SG Gmelin , 1771
Female of the spruce hammer
Emberiza leucocephalos

The Pine Bunting ( Emberiza leucocephalos ) is a bird art from the family of Buntings (Emberizidae), the east in large parts of Asia and the Ural home is to be found in Europe beyond the Urals only as Irrgast.


The spruce hammer is the eastern (Asiatic) sister species of the golden hammer ( Emberiza citrinella ). Like the golden hammer, it is about 15-18 cm long and has the typical shape of a bunting. Their drawing also largely corresponds to that of the golden hammer, but note that females and young birds have a whitish belly, a grayish face and a more maroon coloration on the shoulders and belly lines than the golden hammer. The spruce bunting also shows a narrow white eye ring, which is usually yellowish or beige in gold bunting. The distinction is only easy with males in splendid plumage , as they have a typical maroon-white head markings. Since the spruce bunting is closely related to the golden bunting, it can lead to hybrids with a confusing combination of characteristics of both species.


The voice of the spruce hammer corresponds roughly to that of the golden hammer, a "tsipp" is uttered as a call. As with the golden hammer, the song consists of 5–8 short, strung together notes that sound slightly stretched towards the end.

distribution and habitat

The spruce bunting is native to large parts of Asia east of the Urals. In Europe she is occasionally proven to be a random visitor, for example in Austria between 1810 and 2010 there were 12 reliable records. The species is spotted in Europe almost only in autumn and winter, when birds (mostly young birds) fly west. These birds almost always join groups of golden hammers in winter and can be difficult to distinguish from young golden hammers there.

The spruce bunting is a migratory bird , the wintering areas of the species are in Central and Southeast Asia, locally also in Iraq and Iran as well as in Israel.

The spruce hammer lives in similar habitats as the golden hammer, i.e. on heaths, fields and clearings. However, it is tied to the proximity of forests to a much greater extent. In winter they also like to visit bird houses and game feeding places.


Like most bunting, the spruce bunting feeds mostly on seeds, grains and parts of plants, animal food (small invertebrates) is only caught to raise the young.


There is no information on the size of the world population. Due to the large distribution area and the presumably stable population, the IUCN currently classifies the spruce bunting as "Least Concern".

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Lars Svensson: Der neue Kosmos Vogelführer , Kosmos Verlag, 2011.
  2. ^ The Fichtenammer at BirdLife International . Retrieved January 5, 2013.
  3. ^ Fichtenammer on Club 300 Austria, accessed on January 5, 2013
  4. a b Pine Bunting on AviBirds, accessed January 5, 2013
  5. Emberiza leucocephalos in the Red List of Threatened Species , accessed January 5, 2013


Web links

Commons : Fichtenammer ( Emberiza leucocephalos )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files