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This article was proposed for deletion due to deficiencies in the content of the quality assurance biology . This is done in order to bring the quality of the biological articles to an acceptable level.

The deletion can be discussed in quality assurance within 7 or 14 days, but this should also go hand in hand with a significant improvement in the article. A quick deletion in special cases is not excluded.

Read the more detailed information in the minimum requirements for biology articles .

without rank: Neornithes
Subclass : New-jawed birds (Neognathae)
Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
without rank: Passerida
Superfamily : Sparrow-like
Scientific name

Passeroidea or sparrows are a superfamily of songbirds within Passerida .


The following is the system according to KA Jønsson and J. Fjeldså:


 Leaf birds (Chloropseidae)


 Fairy birds (Irenidae)


 Mistletoe eater (Dicaeidae)


 Nectar birds (Nectariniidae)


 Brown cells (Prunellidae)


 Weaver birds (Ploceidae)


 Warbler (Peucedramidae)


 Stilts (Motacillidae)


 Sparrows (Passeridae)


 Fine finches (Estrildidae)


 Widow birds (Viduidae)


 Bunting (Emberizidae)


 Finches (Fringillidae)


 Wood Warbler (Parulidae)


 Starlings (Icteridae)


 Northern spur bunting and snow bunting (Calcariidae)

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 Tangaren (Thraupidae)


 Cardinals (Cardinalidae)

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Web links

  • John Boyd: Passeroidea. Tree View. In: John H. Boyd III, March 18, 2017, p. 1 , accessed April 14, 2019 .
  • David P. Mindell, Joseph W. Brown, and John Harshman: Passeroidea. David P. Mindell, Joseph W. Brown, and John Harshman. In: Tree of Life Web Project , p. 3 , accessed April 14, 2019 .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ KA Jønsson, J. Fjeldså: A phylogenetic supertree of oscine passerine birds (Aves: Passeri) . In: Zoologica Scripta . tape 35 , 2006, pp. 149–186 , doi : 10.1111 / j.1463-6409.2006.00221.x ( [PDF; accessed October 20, 2015]).
  2. P. Alström, U. Olsson, F. Lei, HT Wang, W. Gao and P. Sundberg: Phylogeny and classification of the Old World Emberizini (Aves, Passeriformes) . In: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution . tape 47 , no. 3 , 2008, p. 960-73 , doi : 10.1016 / j.ympev.2007.12.007 , PMID 18411062 .