Filicollis anatis

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Filicollis anatis
without rank: Scratchworms (Acanthocephala)
Class : Palaeacanthocephala
Order : Polymorphida
Family : Polymorphidae
Genre : Filicollis
Type : Filicollis anatis
Scientific name
Filicollis anatis
( Cabinet , 1788)

Filicollis anatis is a type of scratchworm (Acanthocephala) that lives as an intestinal parasite , especially in wild and domesticated water birds such as swans , ducks and geese .


Female animals reach a body length of 10 to 25 millimeters, the males remain significantly smaller with a maximum of about 6 to 8 millimeters. The trunk is colored whitish. The width of the animals is a maximum of 1.4 millimeters. The proboscis of the females is transformed into a thin-walled globe and equipped with star-shaped hooks on the apex of the trunk. The males have an egg-shaped trunk with 18 to 22 rows of 10 to 11 hooks each. The lemiski, invaginations of the tegument in the trunk, are long and finger-shaped. The testicles of the males are arranged one behind the other and they also have 6 cement glands.

The eggs are spindle-shaped with concentric egg shells typical of the species. They have an average length of 62 to 70 and an average width of 13 to 23 micrometers, and they are very variable in size.

Way of life

As an adult, Filicollis anatis lives as an intestinal parasite , especially in the small intestine of wild and domesticated water birds such as swans , ducks and geese . Water isopods ( Asellus aquaticus ) are particularly suitable as intermediate hosts .


  • Theodor Hiepe, Renate Buchwalder, Siegfried Nickel: Textbook of Parasitology. Volume 3: Veterinary Helminthology. Gustav Fischer Verlag, Jena 1985; Pages 399