Felt louse (dice game)

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Filzlaus or lonely felt louse is a simple dice game with a single dice and a dice cup for any number of players. Variants of the game are double felt louse and combined felt louse .

In game collections , these games are regularly included in the relevant rulebooks.

Style of play

Filzlaus is played with a single dice and dice cup.

The game is played in turn. Each player rolls the dice up to ten times and tries to roll a one (⚀) (the "felt louse"). The winner is the player who manages this with the fewest number of throws, and all players who do not throw a number after ten throws lose.

In the double felt louse variant , instead of the one, the two (gilt) counts as the litter to be achieved and thus as a "felt louse". With the combined felt louse , the player can decide before each of his throws whether he wants to get a one or a two in the throw. As in the basic version, the player who reaches his goal first wins.

supporting documents

  1. a b c "Filzlaus" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 243.
  2. "Einsame Filzlaus" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 400.
  3. ^ A b "Filzlaus" In: Friedrich Pruss: Würfelspiele. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 10. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .


  • "Einsame Filzlaus" In: Erhard Gorys : The book of games. Manfred Pawlak Verlagsgesellschaft, Herrsching o. J .; P. 400.
  • "Filzlaus" In: Robert E. Lembke : The great house and family book of games. Lingen Verlag, Cologne, no date; P. 243.
  • "Filzlaus" In: Friedrich Pruss: Dice games. Falken Verlag, Niedernhausen 1998; P. 10. ISBN 3-635-60129-2 .