Boulder in Racibórz

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The boulder
The boulder

The boulder in Racibórz (German: Ratibor ) is a natural monument on the green area of ​​Wolności Square.


The boulder has a length of 3.25 meters and a width and height of 2.25 meters. The rock has a volume of 16.5 cubic meters and a weight of 43 tons. The boulder consists of granite rock and contains a high proportion of quartz and reddish feldspar .


The boulder was discovered in 1927 in a sand pit near Woinowitz in the district of Ratibor , where it was originally located at a depth of 15 meters. It comes from Scandinavia and was probably transported to the Ratibor region on a glacier during the Elster Cold Age. After its discovery, it was initially set up in the sand pit.

In 1934 the stone was brought to Ratibor to be used as part of a memorial for the National Socialist Horst Wessel . The Horst-Wessel Memorial was erected on June 6, 1934 on Polko-Platz, which was renamed Horst-Wessel-Platz. A small circular wall was built around the stone as an enclosure . The names of Upper Silesian Nazi fighters were attached to this. The monument replaced a fountain that was donated by Adolf Polko. The monument was inaugurated on July 1, 1934.

After the Second World War, the wall around the stone was removed.

Web links

Commons : Findling in Racibórz  - collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The boulder on the website of the city of Ratibor.
  2. A giant boulder becomes the Horst Wessel monument in Ratibor. In: Upper Silesia in Pictures. 1934, No. 4.

Coordinates: 50 ° 5 ′ 37.4 ″  N , 18 ° 12 ′ 53.6 ″  E