Fischer Score

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The Fischer Score (after Wolfgang M. Fischer ) is an obstetric scoring system for assessing the fetal heart rate, which is recorded with a CTG .

The score goes back to a recommendation by Fischer and colleagues from 1976 and is deliberately based on the Apgar score, which also comes from obstetrics . Other assessment schemes are the Kubli and Hammacher scores .


The Fischer score can reach a score of 0 to 10 points, a low score means a more likely risk to the fetus than a high one (8 to 10). The following qualities are assessed:

  • Base frequency (basal frequency, baseline) is the mean frequency of the fetal heart rate and is given accordingly in beats per minute ( spm or bpm ).
  • Bandwidth assesses the bandwidth of the heart rate. Since the same time never passes between two heartbeats, the frequency of the fetal heartbeat fluctuates around the basic frequency. This bandwidth is also specified in spm .
  • Zero crossings assess how often the curve of the fetal heartbeat crosses the basal rate. It is given in zero crossings per minute.
  • Accelerations : Physiological processes should occasionally lead to a sudden increase in the child's heart rate. These are assessed as the fourth parameter.
  • Decelerations : In certain situations, a sudden drop in heart rate can occur, which is known as decelerations. These areassessedin conjunction with the labor activity .
    The decelerations are divided into types 0, 1 and 2 (for example Dip 1 for deceleration type 1).


criteria 0 points 1 point 2 points
Base frequency <100 / min or> 180 / min 100-110 or 160-180 110-160
Bandwidth <5 5–10 or> 30 10-30
Zero crossings <2 2-6 > 6
Accelerations no regular sporadic
Decelerations Dip II ("unfavorable") Dip I ("cheaper") none, DIP 0


  • Klaus Goeschen, Eckhard Koepcke (Hrsg.): Cardiotocography practice . 6th completely revised edition. Thieme Verlag, 2003
  • WM Fischer, I. Stude, H. Brandt: A proposal for assessing the antepartualen Kardiotokogrammes (A suggestion for the evaluation of the antepartum cardiotocogram). In: Z. Obstetrics Perinatol. , 1976 Apr, 180 (2), pp. 117-123.
  • WM Fischer (eds.), D. Berg, H. Brandt, WD Ekert: Kardiotokographie. Diagnostic methods in perinatology . 1973. 3rd revised. u. exp. Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1993, ISBN 978-3-13-506803-9 .
  • WM Fischer (ed.) U. a .: cardiotocography: textbook a. Atlas, 7 tabs.Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1973, ISBN 978-3-13-506801-5 .