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Fjörgyn f. or Fjörgynn m. is the name of two characters from Nordic mythology .

In Hárbarðslióð and Völuspá , Fjörgyn is a name for Jörd , mother of the god Thor .

In Skáldskaparmál and Lokasenna , Fjörgynn is the father of the goddess Frigg .

Individual evidence

  1. Hárbarðslióð , verse 56: "There Fiörgyn Thôr meets her son:"
  2. Völuspá , verse 55: "Yet Fiörgyn's son travels nine feet"
  3. Skáldskaparmál, Friggjarkenningar (Chapter 27, Chapter 19 in other editions): “Hvernig Skal kenna Frigg? Svá, at kalla hana dóttur Fjörgyns , kona Óðins, móður Baldrs "
  4. Ögisdrecka , verse 26: “ Be quiet , Frigg! Fiörgynn's daughter is you "
