Flatholmen (Risør)

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Flatholmen are three islands about 26 hectares in size on the outer edge of the so-called Skjærgård in Risør (southern Norway ).

The three islands together have about one kilometer of beach, which until now has fallen under the so-called Friluftslivloven (roughly open-air life law). According to this law, the beach is public and anyone can use it.

The war veteran Finn Sørensen was the owner of Flatholmen until 2008, before it was bought by Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Marit for over 9 million crowns (approx. € 1,135,000). The prince couple will most likely apply to the municipality in Risör to cancel the open air living for the islands.

Coordinates: 58 ° 44 '  N , 9 ° 19'  E