Florestano Di Fausto

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Florestano Di Fausto (born July 16, 1890 in Rocca Canterano , † January 11, 1965 in Rome ) was an Italian architect and politician .

life and career

Di Fausto was a leading Italian colonial architect of the interwar period. Among other things, he built the monumental Arco dei Fileni on the Via Balbia coastal road in Libya on the border between the regions of Tripolitania and Cyrenaica, and the neo-Gothic cathedral of Rhodes . Di Fausto was looking for a middle way between traditionalism and modernity; his “Mediterranean” architecture concept tried to combine local color with references to the dominance of colonial power.

After the Second World War Di Fausto was among other things a member of the Democrazia Cristiana in the constituent national assembly.


  • Giuliano Gresleri: Architecture in the Italian Colonies in Africa CIPIA, 1992, especially p. 55.

Web links

Commons : Florestano Di Fausto  - Collection of images, videos and audio files