Preventing escape

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The term escape prevention summarizes all measures to prevent escape . One can differentiate between who is trying to prevent the escape.

If a state tries to prevent its subjects from fleeing, it does so by means of a correspondingly developed border regime such as restricted areas , border controls , border guards and shooting orders, for example from the GDR . Instead of an order to shoot, however, shooting bonuses for killing refugees can also be used.

If a state tries to prevent illegal entry of refugees, one speaks of escape prevention . This is also done through border controls and border protection systems.

See also


  1. According to Stefan Appelius, the GDR government paid every Bulgarian border official 2000 leva (equivalent to around 500 euros) for every GDR refugee killed at the Bulgarian border. ( One thousand per fatal shot, Spiegel-online November 7, 2007 )