Vajnory airfield

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The Vajnory airfield ( ICAO code : LZVB ; Slovak Letisko Vajnory ) was an airfield in the Bratislava district of Vajnory . It was closed in 2007.


Civil air traffic in Bratislava began on October 29, 1923, when the first ČSA aircraft from Prague landed at the airfield. Airlines abroad were added in 1928. A new era began in 1951 when the new, not far away Bratislava Airport (near Ivanka pri Dunaji ) opened. During the period of socialism, the airfield was used both by the paramilitary organization Zväzarm (Svazarm in Czech) and by the state company Slov-Air . From 1990 to 2004 the operator was the Aeroklub Bratislava, then the operator of Bratislava Airport acquired the airfield and sold it shortly afterwards. The airfield was finally closed on February 7, 2007; A property developer is planning a new residential zone worth EUR 863 million here.

The Slovak politician Milan Rastislav Štefánik died on May 4, 1919 while approaching the then unofficial airfield when his Caproni Ca.33 crashed near Ivanka pri Dunaji .


  • Location: 8 km northeast of the city center of Bratislava
  • Altitude: 132 m
  • Area: 91 ha
  • Runways:
    • 04/22: 950 × 80 m grass (divided into 04L / 22R, 950 × 50 m and 04R / 22L, 950 × 30 m)
    • 13/31: 650 × 80 m grass (divided into 13L / 31R, 650 × 50 m and 13R / 31L, 650 × 30 m)

Individual evidence

  1. Article in the newspaper SME of October 7, 2006 (Slovak)
  2. Article in the SME newspaper from June 5, 2009 (Slovak)

Web links

Coordinates: 48 ° 12 ′ 9 ″  N , 17 ° 11 ′ 22 ″  E