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Fonctionnaire in French administrative law means a person who is permanently integrated into the administration (CE of June 4, 1954) and is appointed by administrative act .


In the public service, a distinction is made between the fonction publique de l'État ( FPE ), the fonction publique territoriale ( FPT ) for regions, départements, municipalities and intermunicipal administration , and the fonction publique hospitalière ( FPH ) in health care.

The fonctionnaires are part of the public service: part of it is only employed under private law. The other part belongs to the officials in the broader sense, the agents publics . The legal basis for the fonctionnaires is the statute général de la fonction publique .

Agents publics are involved in the implementation of a public service and are subject to public law; Disputes are to be brought before the administrative courts. Again only a part of these is fonctionnaire. This is only a legal status designation. A liability law definition as in German civil service law is replaced in French law by the figure of the faute de service .


  • Jean-Marie Auby, Jean-Bernard Auby, Jean-Pierre Didier, Antony Taillefait: Droit de la fonction publique: Etat, collectivités locales, hôpitaux . 6th edition. Dalloz-Sirey, Paris 2009, ISBN 978-2-247-08038-0 .
  • Fabrice Melleray: Droit de la fonction publique . 2nd Edition. Economica, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-7178-5899-0 .