Nicola Caracciolo

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Nicola Caracciolo (born May 19, 1931 in Florence , † April 24 or April 25, 2020 in Rome ) was an Italian journalist and documentary filmmaker .


Nicola Caracciolo, who has always been film enthusiasts aristocrat from the Neapolitan home Caracciolo , worked for many years as a journalist and traveled for L'Espresso and Il Giorno much of the world. From 1970 he was responsible for numerous contributions for the TV magazine Boomerang and from 1974 made several documentaries together with Emanuele Vittorio Marino , most of which deal with topics of contemporary and historical Italy and were well received by both viewers and critics.

Caracciolo also emerged as an author several times.

In 2008 he succeeded his older brother, the media entrepreneur Carlo Caracciolo , as 10th Prince of Castagneto and 5th Duke of Melito.

His older sister was Marella Agnelli .

Filmography (selection)

  • 1974: I manager
  • 1991: I 600 giorni di Salò
  • 1998: Luce sulla storia

Books (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paolo Martini: È morto Nicola Caracciolo (Italian) , Adnkronos . April 25, 2020. Accessed April 26, 2020. 
  2. ^ Roberto Poppi: Dizionario del cinema italiano, I registi, Gremese 2002, p. 91/92
  3. ^ Caracciolo in the Florence National Library
  5. Marella Agnelli biography. In:, Inc., accessed March 5, 2019 .