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Adnkronos is an Italian news agency based in Rome . It was created through the merger of Kronos (founded in 1951 ) and Adn (Agenzia Di Noteie, founded in 1959 ) and is the second largest news agency in Italy after ANSA .

Since 1999 there has been the Adnkronos Salute division with news from the world of medicine and since 2003 the Adnkronos International (AKI) division with current, international news, especially from the Arab world. The Arabic editorial team consists of four journalists with Arabic as their mother tongue, who report daily on the latest politics, business and culture in Italy, Europe and the Arab region, with a focus on the Middle East and the Mediterranean region.

Adnkronos is part of the Giuseppe Marra Communications (GMC) group.

See also

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