Research network language and knowledge

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In the research network Language and Knowledge - Problems of Public and Professional Communication, international linguists cooperate both with one another and with representatives of non-linguistic domains of knowledge . The research network was founded in October 2005. A predominant research method within the network is the (linguistic) discourse analysis of spoken and written forms of communication.

Basics and goals

The overarching goal of the research network is to investigate the emergence and formation of socially relevant stocks of knowledge through linguistic means and to find appropriate ways of describing facticity production. The knowledge about aspects of overall societal issues (such. As "Semantic fighting in the sciences," "crisis," "self-deception", "euthanasia", etc.) for their linguistic representation in different forms (. As in specialized texts , Press releases, online forums) and (temporarily) consolidated. The research focuses on the connections between language use and the production of facts. Differences in linguistic usage at different levels of professionalism also give z. B. Information on how differentiated facts are constituted. This point of view is particularly relevant as it allows problems of subject-specific and professional communication as well as “published” and public communication about subject knowledge to be analyzed from a linguistic point of view. Accordingly, the main objective of the research network is to reconstruct and analyze the dynamics of the respective systems of knowledge and discourse as well as the controversial negotiation and justification of facticity and normative validity claims in knowledge domains .

Work areas

The linguistic phenomena described above present themselves completely differently in various fields of knowledge and must be recorded differently. Therefore, the core of the research network consists of knowledge domains in which multiple linguistically expert linguists with linguistically interested professionals the knowledge domains work closely together. The basic assumption of the knowledge-forming power of natural language signs and their connection is exemplarily specified in the research network "Language and Knowledge" in various subject areas in order to do justice to the different characteristics of the areas of knowledge. The following knowledge domains are represented in the research network:

Activities of the network

The network has been organizing annual conferences since 2005 that address current research questions. For example, the 2015 annual conference took a current scientific debate as an opportunity to answer the question “Reality or construction? Linguistic theory and interdisciplinary aspects of an explosive alternative “to be discussed in an interdisciplinary manner with representatives of linguistics, philosophy, media studies, sociology, theology and law. Among other things, the freely accessible anthology "Reality or Construction?" emerged. In the same way, the 2018 annual conference was dedicated to the connection between "language and fear". The 2019 annual conference will deal with the topic "Nature - Culture - People". The network members specifically invite prominent representatives from other disciplines to the annual meetings in order to promote interdisciplinary exchange.

Publications of the network

Language Knowledge Manuals (HSW)

Since 2015, the research network has been gradually publishing a series of 21 volumes entitled "Handbooks for Language Knowledge (HSW)", which aims to convey knowledge about linguistic relationships in the various domains of knowledge in a concise and clear manner. According to the 13 established knowledge domains (see above), the series systematically addresses the relevance of the linguistically bound facticity production in relevant social fields of action and thus reveals the power of the declarative.

"Language and Knowledge" series

With the series “Language and Knowledge” (SuW), the research network has a publication platform at de Gruyter Verlag in Berlin and Boston, which is published by the initiator of the research network, Ekkehard Felder (Heidelberg). In addition to dissertations and post-doctoral theses, profiled anthologies from the network or from other scientific circles appear there.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Felder, Ekkehard / Müller, Marcus (ed.) (2009): "Knowledge through Language. Theory, Practice and Interest in Knowledge of the Research Network" Language and Knowledge "" ". Berlin, New York: de Gruyter (language and knowledge vol. 3) , Felder, Ekkehard (ed.) (2013): factuality production in discourses. The power of the declarative. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter (Language and Knowledge, Vol. 13)
  2. Felder, Ekkehard (ed.) (2006): Semantic fights. Power and Language in Science. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter "(Linguistics - Impulse and Tendencies Vol. 19)"
  3. Cf. Aptum 2/2010 : “ Issue Language (s) of Crisis.” Wengeler, Martin / Ziem, Alexander (ed.) (2013): Linguistic Constructions of Crises - Interdisciplinary Perspectives on a Constantly Current Phenomenon. Bremen
  4. Radeiski, Bettina / Antos, Gerd / Fix, Ulla (eds.) (2014): Rhetoric of Self-Deception. Stuttgart
  5. Felder, Ekkehard; Stegmeier, Jörn (2012): “'To die humanely' / 'To live humanely to the end': Semantic struggles in the field of palliative medicine / euthanasia .”, Felder, Ekkehard; Stegmeier, Jörn (2012): “Discourse Practical Explanations on the Subject Area Palliative Medicine / Euthanasia.” Both in: Anderheiden, Michael et al. (Ed.): Handbook of dying and human dignity. Berlin, New York: de Gruyter
  6. ^ Warnke, Ingo (2007) (ed.): Discourse Linguistics according to Foucault. Theory and objects. Berlin / New York: de Gruyter (Linguistics - Impulse and Tendencies Vol. 25) , Warnke, Ingo / Spitzmüller, Jürgen (2008) (ed.): Methods of Discourse Linguistics. Linguistic approaches to the transtextual level. Berlin / New York (Linguistics - Impulse and Tendencies Vol. 31) , Konerding, Klaus-Peter (1993): Frames and lexical meaning knowledge. Investigations into the linguistic foundation of a frame theory and its application in lexicography. Tübingen (German Linguistics Series, Vol. 142) , Habscheid, Stephan (2010): Text and Discourse. Cologne (UTB 3349) , Wengeler, Martin (2003): Topos and Discourse. Justification of an argumentation-analytical method and its application to the migration discourse (1960–1985). Tübingen (German Linguistic Series, Vol. 244) , Ziem, Alexander (2008): Frames and linguistic knowledge. Cognitive aspects of semantic competence. Berlin, New York (Language and Knowledge, Vol. 2)
  7. Conference 2015 . Research network language and knowledge. Retrieved May 10, 2019.
  8. Ekkehard Felder (Ed.), Andreas Gardt (Ed.): Reality or Construction? Linguistic theory and interdisciplinary aspects of an explosive alternative. Walter de Gruyter GmbH, 2018, ISBN 978-3-11-056343-6 . ( online )
  9. Conference 2018 . Research network language and knowledge. Retrieved May 10, 2019.
  10. Conference 2019 . Research network language and knowledge. Retrieved May 10, 2019.
  11. Felder, Ekkehard / Gardt, Andreas (ed.) (2015 ff): Handbooks Language Knowledge. 21 volumes. Berlin / Boston: de Gruyter (Language Knowledge Handbooks - HSW)
  12. Ekkehard Felder (Ed.): "Language and Knowledge" (SuW). Walter de Gruyter GmbH, ISSN  1864-2284 .