Energy Forum Zurich

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Energy Forum Zurich

legal form society
founding 1986
Seat Zurich SwitzerlandSwitzerlandSwitzerland 
management Annuscha Schmidt (President), Reto Dettli (Vice President); Veronika Sutter (Co-Managing Director), Nathalie Benkert (Co-Managing Director)
Branch Construction, energy and sustainability

The Energy Forum Zurich (FEZ for short) is a Swiss professional association within the meaning of Art. 60 ff ZGB with its headquarters in Zurich . In the Canton of Zurich and beyond, it is regarded as a competence center for sustainable and future-oriented energy use in the residential and construction sectors over the entire life cycle.


In addition to a current membership of around 780 individuals, the association consists of a nine-member board and, since 1999, thematic specialist groups: Currently in the areas of building physics , operational optimization, FEFuture (for young members), commissioning, Minergie , sustainability and space as well as solar architecture . The board is supported by an office. The supplementary regional groups south ( Säuliamt ), east ( Oberland ) and north ( Winterthur ) disbanded in 2001.


Just a few months after the Chernobyl disaster , some energy consultants came together to form the Energy Consultant Association of the Canton of Zurich (EBVZ) under the leadership of the then Energy Commissioner for the Canton of Zurich, Ruedi Kriesi . The aim was to promote a sustainable and high-quality building culture in order to achieve greater energy efficiency. With a free advisory line, homeowners should be won over to sustainable building directly in a personal conversation. The success was limited; the homeowners were not interested in the subject of energy.

From 1995 to 2012 Andreas Baumgartner was Managing Director of Forum Energie Zürich. During this time the focus of the club changed significantly. On the one hand, the General Assembly on March 29, 1999 decided to change the name to Forum Energie Zürich. On the other hand, at the general assembly in 2002, the “public energy advice” was completely deleted from the association's statutes. The former central pillar of the association has been replaced by the increasing focus on specialists from the construction industry. This shift was in response to weak demand from homeowners. Or as Baumgartner was quoted in 2011 in a newspaper article on the 25th anniversary of the association: "It took us a long time to realize that the invitation to save energy is not well received - the Swiss did not want to limit themselves".

This change was significantly shaped by the current Presidium. Since 1996 this has been Erich Schadegg for 9 years, from 2005 to 2015 the award-winning solar architect Beat Kuchten, and since 2016 the architect and independent client representative Annuscha Schmidt.

The Forum Energie Zürich also continued to develop with Veronika Sutter as management from 2012 and from 2019, co-management with Nathalie Benkert. The result was a broad-based association with regular events and visits for specialists, but also for those interested in non-specialist subjects, and a wide range of further training courses throughout Eastern Switzerland. The Energy Forum Zurich also works regularly with other Swiss associations from the industry, such as Minergie , NNBS , IFMA and SIA .


Every year around 1,400 specialists and people interested in events organized by the Energy Forum in Zurich came to lighthouse projects for viewing or lecture evenings with, in some cases, international experts. In addition, around 400 participants take part in the energy courses.

For the Office for Waste, Water, Energy and Air of the Canton of Zurich, the Energy Zurich Forum offers some advanced training on specific energy and enforcement topics as well as communication with the public in the context of the monthly newsletter.

The specialist groups work differently depending on the subject. Either through the development of information sheets that are publicly available free of charge, the free, professional exchange of experience in a public setting or the offer of a neutral and manufacturer-independent list of consultants. Some Zurich municipalities refer to these lists of advisors instead of their own energy advice center.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. (August 12, 2019).
  2. (August 12, 2019).
  3. (August 12, 2019).
  4. (August 12, 2019).
  5. (August 12, 2019).
  6. (August 12, 2019).
  7. (August 16, 2019).
  8. (August 12, 2019).
  9. (August 12, 2019)
  10. (August 16, 2019).
  11. (August 19, 2019).
  12.ösungen/generalammlung/2019/pdf/FEZ_Folien_GV_2019_20190402.pdf (August 12, 2019).
  13. (August 12, 2019).
  14. (August 12, 2019).
  15. Information sheets on building physics (August 12, 2019) or position paper on sustainability and space (August 12, 2019) .
  16. ↑ Exchange of experience on operational optimization (August 12, 2019) .
  17. List of MINERGIE consultants (August 12, 2019) , list of FEZ-Beratende Betriebsoptimierung , list of FEZ consultants for construction and energy (August 12, 2019) .
  18. Klassen/ gebaeudemodernisierung.html (August 12, 2019).