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The Fossárfoss

The Fossárfoss

Coordinates 64 ° 45 '11 .5 N , 14 ° 28' 50.5"  W Coordinates: 64 ° 45  '11.5 " N , 14 ° 28' 50.5"  W.
Fossárfoss (Iceland)
place Djupivogur , Iceland
height 15 m
flow Fossá → Berufjörður

The Fossárfoss is a waterfall in the east of Iceland . It is also called Sveinstekksfoss .

This waterfall is the last before the Fossá ( Icelandic waterfall river ) flows into the Fossárvík bay on the southwest bank of the Berufjörður . The fall height is 15 m. The bay is bypassed by the ring road, but Fossárfoss is better accessible from Urðarteigsvegur (9671), which leads further into Fossárdalur. Above are farms and other waterfalls. Since 1998 the inner part of the Fossárvík has been separated by a dam with a 40 m long bridge over which the ring road has been running ever since. The previous bridge was built in 1968 and was only 8.5 m long.

In Húnaflói there is another Fossárfoss.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. Fossarfoss, (Fossárfoss, Sveinstekksfoss). Accessed July 7, 2019 .
  2. Brúaskrá - Brýr á þjóðvegum (February 2016). Retrieved July 7, 2019 (Icelandic).