Foster-Greer-Thorbecke indices

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The Foster-Greer-Thorbecke indices (FGT indices) are a family of poverty measures . The family's most widely used index, FGT 2 , weights the poverty of the poorest individual more heavily, making it a measure of poverty that combines a measure of poverty and a measure of income inequality . It is a popular measure of development economics . The indices were published in 1984 in a scientific paper by economists Erik Thorbecke , Joel Greer and James Foster .


The individual indices of the family are derived by determining the parameter α in the following equation:


where z is the poverty line , N is the number of people in an economy , H is the number of poor (whose incomes are less than z ), y i is the income of each individual i .

If α is small, then the FGT indices rate all individuals below the poverty line z approximately equally. The greater the value of α , the more the position of the poorest individual is weighted. The larger the FGT statistic, the poorer an economy is.

FGT 0 and FGT 1

If one sets α = 0, then the formula for the poverty rate is reduced , i. H. on the proportion of the population living below the poverty line


If α = 1, the formula for the poverty gap index is reduced :



The two indices presented here are often used. The most commonly used index in development economics, however, is the index that results for α = 2:


The FGT 2 can also be written as


where C v is the coefficient of variation of the households of the poor and H is the absolute number of poor households. The parameter μ is given by


Other breakdowns of the index are also possible.

The only measure that combines FGT 0 , FGT 1, and the Gini index is the Sen index .

Individual evidence

  1. James Foster, Joel Greer, Erik Thorbecke: A class of decomposable poverty measures . In: Econometrica . 52, No. 3, May 1984, pp. 761-766. doi : 10.2307 / 1913475 .
  2. James Foster, Joel Greer, Erik Thorbecke: The Foster – Greer – Thorbecke (FGT) poverty measures: 25 years later . In: Journal of Economic Inequality . 8, No. 4, December 2010, pp. 491-524. doi : 10.1007 / s10888-010-9136-1 .
  3. ^ Mauricio Olavarria-Gambi: Poverty Reduction in Chile: Has economic growth been enough? . (PDF) In: Journal of Human Development . 4, No. 1, March 2003, pp. 103-123. doi : 10.1080 / 1464988032000051504 .