Fragment (gogol)

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Fragment ( Russian Отрывок (Сцены из светской жизни) , Otrywok (Szeny is swetskoi schisni) - about: Fragment (scenes from high society )) is a dramatic fragment by the Russian writer Nikolai Gogol , which was written in the period 1839-1840 and in the 1842 edition of Nikolai Gogol's works was published.

Maria Alexandrovna is angry with Gubomasowa. In the presence of Princess Alexandrine, this person has expressed his satisfaction that young civilians are not allowed to attend court balls. Gubomasowa is so happy that her son Alexis is not wearing the official tails.

Marja Alexandrovna's corpulent son Misha is now supposed to serve in the guard. Misha disagrees. As titular councilor, he will soon become a college assessor. As an almost 30-year-old, wearing an ensign uniform, he should look ridiculous! Definitely not.

The mother does not tolerate contradiction and comes up with the next plan for the future. Misha is supposed to marry the princess Schljopochwostowa. Mischa rejects this first-class goose, who cannot formulate a coherent sentence. He is also in love with Odossimov's daughter.

Since the mother is not quite wise from the speeches of her son Misha, who is in love, she commissions his handsome friend Sobachkin, a bad rumor maker, to compromise Misha’s friend. The philanderer Sobachkin, who knows God and the world, heard from a head of the table as well as from a department head Odossimov and, well paid by Maria Alexandrovna, wrote and wrote the compromising love letter, allegedly from the pen of the girl, to Sobachkin: “Cruel tyrant my soul! ... ".

Used edition

Fragment . P. 306-325 in Johannes von Guenther (ed. And translator): Nikolai Gogol: Gesammelte Werke. Volume V. Dramatic Works. Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin 1952

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Russian Сочинения Николая Гоголя, Sotschinenija Nikolaja Gogolja
  2. ^ Russian titular councilor
  3. Russian college assessor