Fractional sodium excretion

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The fractional sodium (FE Na ) indicates how much of the sodium, which in the renal corpuscles (glomeruli) as part of the primary urine is actually excreted was filtered at the end of the urine. The rest is absorbed into the blood again in the kidneys together with other substances that are still required.

U Na : urinary sodium

P Na : plasma sodium

U Krea : urinary creatinine

P Krea : plasma creatinine

Use in the context of the differential diagnosis of acute kidney failure (however limited usability after the use of diuretics , which is why in this case fractional urea excretion leads to more precise results):

FE Na <1%: prerenal kidney failure (retention of sodium and thus water)
FE Na > 2%: renal kidney failure (decreased ability of the kidneys to concentrate)


Lameire N. Acute renal failure. Lancet 2005; 365: 417-430

See also

Fractional urea excretion , dose adjustment in renal insufficiency .