Françoise Godde

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Françoise Godde (* 1944 ) is a French actress .

After her training, she received her first film roles from Jacques Rivette in 1966. She was the servant in Rivette's Diderot film The Nun and in his L'Amour fou she took on the role of actress Françoise, who struggles with her role as Cléone in Racine's Andromache .

In 1969 she became popular with the 1967 television series Les oiseaux rares : In this she revolted against prudery and narrow-mindedness with her series sisters Claude Jade , Dominique Labourier , Bernadette Robert and Nicole Chaput, until the police opened the Massonneau's house in episode 60 storms.

Godde took her last known film role in 1969 as Angelina at the side of Marina Vlady in Bernard Paul's Le temps de vivre .

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