Francisco Cienfuegos

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Francisco Cienfuegos

Francisco Cienfuegos (* 1963 in Isla Cristina ) is a Spanish poet and author living in Germany .


Cienfuegos was a co-founder and member of the group of authors "Spanish-language poetry and prose in Germany", which was co-financed by the Spanish state until the beginning of the 1990s. He teaches as an educational scientist at a technical school for social affairs in the Rhine-Main area.

As a bilingual poet, he has both German and Spanish language publications. His impressionistic poetry, which is characterized by a very deep layered and distinctly pictorial language, he presents in performances in Germany and partly in Spain. These readings are lyrical-musical performances, in which he is mostly by the guitarist Ismael Alcaldeis accompanied. Francisco Cienfuegos' works are represented in several anthologies. He also cooperates with the publishing project "SternenBlick" in the role of co-editor. As part of the "Cita de la Poesía", an annual international poetry festival in Berlin, he was honored in 2017 for his "outstanding bilingual poetry". Francisco Cienfuegos also works as a Spanish-German translator of lyric texts.

His book "Viaje al fin del recuerdo" (Editorial Carena, Barcelona) was published in Spanish in 2015.

His first German-language volume of poetry was published by the Austrian "Berger-Verlag". In 2018 his lyrical work will be published in Frankfurt's megalomania publishing house .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Johann Kneissl: Poetry against solidification . Ed .: Mut & Liebe, city and culture magazine. No. 19 . Offenbach am Main June 2016, p. 50-52 .
  2. Rolf Birkholz: Smell with the ear of your eyes . Ed .: At the bay window . No. 72 , December 2016.
  3. ^ "December snow", SternenBlick, Berlin 2017
  4. ^ "Zeitentanz", SternenBlick, Berlin 2016
  5. ^ "Aufstieg in Dir", erotic poems, with a preface by Francisco Cienfuegos, SternenBlick, Berlin 2016
  6. "Cita de la Poesía": German-Spanish-Latin American poetry event lasting several days in cooperation with the Humboldt University, the Köpenick Poetry Seminar and the Adlershof Reading Stage.
  7. ^ "Reger Laut im Zwischenraum. Sketches to set music against solidification" (Berger Verlag, Vienna / Horn, 2015)
  8. ↑ Volume of poetry: "... and does the heart break the loneliness? Crónica de un sentimiento" (megalomania publishing house, Frankfurt am Main), publication date February 2018