Franz von Sales House Cologne

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The Franz-von-Sales-Haus in Cologne is a facility for the mentally ill and mentally handicapped hearing impaired . The Katharinenhaus , another facility for the mentally ill deaf, is connected to it. The carrier is the Caritasverband Köln eV The building previously housed a student dormitory and was rebuilt in the late 1980s.

The house is named after Franz von Sales , the patron saint of the deaf.


The activities of the employees cover three main areas:

  • Assisted Living: The Franz von Sales property has a hearing-impaired people with additional mental illness or disability additional assisted living at. This care takes place in your own home. That can be in one of the 23 apartments in Franz-von-Sales-Haus as well as in apartments in the Cologne city area.
  • Advice: The advice center for adult hearing-impaired citizens of Cologne is also located in the Franz-von-Sales-Haus. You will receive advice and support in all situations relating to daily life. Home visits in emergencies are also offered.
  • Leisure and education: As part of the open door (OT) of the Franz-von-Sales-Haus, hearing-impaired children and adolescents in grades 5 to 10 are looked after and educated free of charge on two afternoons a week. This also includes homework supervision, leisure, culture, games, sports and creative offers and others. A holiday program is carried out during the holidays. The employees work closely with the school for the hearing impaired in Cologne.


The Katharinenhaus, attached to the Saleshaus, is a residential building for mentally ill hearing impaired people. It offers accommodation for those who are not yet able to live in their own apartment. The house has ten furnished single rooms, common rooms and a kitchen where meals are prepared together. The garden and terrace complement the living area. The Katharinenhaus offers:

  • Support "around the clock" by an interdisciplinary team
  • Support in many life situations and support with the daily structure
  • practical training in individual and group discussions
  • Communication training and leisure activities
  • Snoezelen

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