Franz Müller (sports official)

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Franz Müller (born September 29, 1886 - † December 17, 1963 ) was a German sports official. From 1946 to 1960 he was chairman of the Badischer Sportbund .


Müller was the owner of a shoe shop in Karlsruhe . From 1948 on he headed the Toto headquarters.

His sporting home was the Karlsruhe Turnverein 1846 , which he led from 1942 to 1954 as chairman. After the US occupation authorities had since dissolved the association, he re-established it in 1945.

As an unencumbered functionary and representative of the civic associations, he was appointed chairman of the sports department in the Karlsruhe district youth committee on November 7, 1945, and a short time later he was appointed sports officer for the city and district of Karlsruhe. The task was to reorganize the sports operations according to the requirements of the military government. From mid-December 1945 he was also the state sports representative for North Baden.

With the founding of the Badischer Sportbund in March 1946, Müller was elected its first chairman and remained in office until 1960.

He belonged to the city council of Karlsruhe and was a member of the sports committee founded in 1950.



  • Volker Steck: Sports in Karlsruhe from 1945 to today. in: Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe (Ed.): Sport in Karlsruhe. - Karlsruhe: Info-Verlag, 2006