Franz Xaver Hoermann

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Franz Xaver Hoermann (* 1860 ; † 1935 ) was a German publicist, Bavarian federalist, professor in Rosenheim and local group leader of the Reich and Heimatbund German Catholics . He wrote u. a. for the historical-political papers for Catholic Germany .


  • The Catholic Man , 1903
  • Modern individualism , 1908
  • The Imperial Thought , 1916
  • The Organization of Society Past and Present , 1901
  • Greater Germany's four-hundred-year decline to become Little Germany , 1924
  • Warning Signs in Modern Errors and Confusions , 1926


  • Michael Pilz: Finis Bavariae. The work of the publicist Franz Xaver Hoermann (1860–1935). In: Oberbayerisches Volksblatt , August 31, 2009