Franz Xaver von Auffenberg

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Franz Xaver Freiherr von Auffenberg (* 1744 , † December 23, 1815 ) was a Lieutenant Field Marshal in the Austrian Army.


Auffenberg began his career as a colonel in the campaign of 1793 in the First Coalition War in the Austrian Netherlands . Due to his services at the Battle of Würzburg (September 1 to 3, 1796) and a victory over the French troops in the Battle of Wetzlar , he was promoted to major general in February 1797 .

During the Second Coalition War , he commanded an army corps in Graubünden, Switzerland . On March 7, 1799 he was subject to the French troops led by André Masséna on Luziensteig and was taken prisoner by the French on the following day while retreating to Chur .

Released after the Peace of Lunéville , he resumed his work and commanded the Austrian field army with a troop strength of 5,500 men as a field marshal lieutenant in the Third Coalition War . In the battle of Wertingen on October 8, 1805, he met the French troops under Marshal Joachim Murat , was defeated and had to surrender. Due to the serious defeat that determined the further course of the Third Coalition War, he was put on the list of inactive after a trial before the court martial in 1805 and finally discharged from the army in 1807.


From 1803 to 1807 he was the owner and honorary colonel of the 37th Infantry Regiment.
