Clearance (radiation protection)

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The release in radiation protection is a special administrative act . It includes the discharge from the scope of the Radiation Protection Ordinance .

This administrative act affects radioactive materials, buildings , floor areas, systems or system parts that are activated or contaminated with radioactive materials, provided that the activity or specific activity can be disregarded in accordance with Section 3 (2) of the Radiation Protection Act . Corresponding evidence is required in the approval process e.g. B. to provide by measurements .

The release is tied to falling below the values ​​specified in Annex 4, Table 1, Columns 3 and 5–14 of the Radiation Protection Ordinance or proof that the release of the substance into the economic cycle only results in an effective dose in the range of 10 µSv for individuals in the population can occur in the calendar year. The radiation exposure from natural sources in Germany is approx. 2400 µSv per year (with regional fluctuations of around 1000 µSv to 5000 µSv per year).

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Individual evidence

  1. StrlSchV - unofficial table of contents. Retrieved November 6, 2019 .