Hülzweiler open-air stage

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The Hülzweiler open-air stage is an open-air stage in the Hülzweiler district of the Schwalbach municipality in the Saarlouis district . The stage is operated by the Volksbühne Hülzweiler eV association. Every year a play by the amateur theater group is performed here.

The open-air stage, which with a stage area of ​​660 m² is one of the largest amateur open-air stages in Germany, was built in 1927. In the same year, the first play was performed by Franz Kranewitter with Andreas Hofer .

The construction of the open-air stage was initiated by the Veritas theater association, founded in 1919 , which made the construction possible by purchasing large areas of meadow on which the stage system is today. During the Second World War, the theater was idle on the open-air stage and was only resumed in 1950 with the Maiden of Orléans by Friedrich Schiller . After a few years of variable success, there has been a production every year since 1982.

The “cinema on the open-air stage” in Hülzweiler uses an inflatable screen

Today the stage offers space for 1,100 spectators and carries out eight to ten performances of the respective production every year.

The stage is a member of the Association of German Open Air Theaters .

The Hülzweiler open-air stage has also been used as an open-air cinema since 2002. Blockbusters and family films will be screened at the two-day open-air cinema, "Kino auf der Freilichtbühne". It is projected onto a 50 m² inflatable screen (airscreen).

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