Leisure time evaluation

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The research association Freizeitenevaluation has been a research strand in the field of youth work that has been running since 2002, which provides a method for networked self-evaluation of camps and international youth exchanges free of charge, for the latter under the name Evaluation of International Youth Exchange . The evaluation materials and results are available in German, French, Polish and English. The leisure time evaluation offers the largest scientific data collection on youth group trips available in Germany.

Concept and background

The research association for leisure time evaluation (initially as the "research project for leisure time evaluation") was set up in Baden-Württemberg and since around 2008 it has been spreading more and more throughout Germany and in neighboring countries. A data analysis of the completed questionnaires from 25,000 young people and 3,000 employees was recently published (as of 2015). Since 2018, the leisure time evaluation has been carried out as a research network by two universities, the Evangelical University of Ludwigsburg (Wolfgang Ilg) and the Technical University of Cologne, research focus on non-formal education (Andreas Thimmel; Judith Dubiski).

The leisure time evaluation arose from research work at the University of Tübingen. The evaluation of international youth exchanges is supported and financed by the Franco-German Youth Office , the German-Polish Youth Office and the IJAB Agency for International Youth Work. The Kreuznach Advisory Board is responsible for accompanying the evaluation of leisure time and youth trips . The Federal Forum for Children and Youth Travel , the Working Group of Evangelical Youth in Germany and the Fachverein transfer eV are represented here.

The research association provides questionnaires that can be individually adapted by sponsors (e.g. youth associations) and used to evaluate a youth group trip. First of all, it is a matter of providing an instrument for self-evaluation. In addition, the research network aims to network the local self-evaluations by collating the data and publishing it regularly. Since 2017, the research association for leisure time evaluation has also been responsible for setting up a panel study for youth group trips via the access study (research consortium on international youth work).

Questionnaires are used for employees (to be completed before or at the start of the journey) and questionnaires for participants (to be completed at the end of the journey). The questionnaires each contain around 40 to 70 items (short version or longer standard version) and can be expanded by the user with their own questions. In addition, general data for the respective trip is requested.

Evaluation procedures currently exist for

  • Children's camps
  • Youth camps
  • international youth encounters

Central results

In the nationwide basic study, the satisfaction of the young people with various aspects of the youth camps was on a school grade scale between 1.7 and 3.0. The aspects of fun, employees, holiday destination and swimming opportunities are rated particularly positively .

A core thesis of the leisure time evaluation is that leisure time or youth encounters are good if they achieve the goals they have set themselves. Methodologically, this is determined via the so-called target achievement correlation, which connects employee targets and participant statements. Such relationships were statistically calculated in the dissertation of the scientific director Wolfgang Ilg with the help of multi-level analytical methods.

In the Federal Government 's 15th report on children and young people (2017), reference is made to the result of the leisure time evaluation, "that a higher level of childcare is a central indicator of greater satisfaction among the participants and that the desired effects in the area of ​​social learning are achieved".

I-EVAL online platform

At the nationwide youth work congress on September 27, 2016, the new online platforms i-EVAL and i-EVAL-Freizeiten were presented to the public for the first time. These should enable the evaluation of leisure time and youth encounters also through mobile devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.). According to the research association, the use of the materials remains free of charge. The federal government made the importance of this evaluation procedure clear by referring to a Bundestag request to strengthen the international youth and school exchange on the online platform i-EVAL in October 2016, "which creates new possibilities for simple operation and evaluation, to a higher degree of To achieve dissemination and increase the quality of the measures. "

The online platform is accessible for youth encounters (in German, English, French and Polish) as well as for free time on the Internet and can be used by sponsors for independent evaluation.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wolfgang Ilg, Judith Dubiski: When one goes on a journey. Evaluation results of youth camps and international youth encounters . 1st edition. Wochenschau, Schwalbach 2015, ISBN 978-3-7344-0185-5 , p. 160 .
  2. Publication list of the research association leisure evaluation on the Internet. Research Association for Leisure Time Evaluation, accessed on July 6, 2020 .
  3. ^ Heike Peters, Stephanie Otto, Wolfgang Ilg, Günter Kistner: Evaluation of children's camps. Scientific basics, results and instructions for your own implementation. 1st edition. aej studies 9. aej, Hannover 2011, ISBN 978-3-88862-096-6 .
  4. ^ Wolfgang Ilg: Evaluation of leisure time and youth travel. Introduction and results of the nationwide standard procedure. 1st edition. aej studies 7. aej, Hannover 2008, ISBN 978-3-88862-088-1 .
  5. Wolfgang Ilg, Judith Dubiski: Encounter creates perspectives. Empirical insights into international youth encounters. 2nd Edition. DFJW, Berlin / Paris / Warsaw 2014 (also available in French and Polish).
  6. Wolfgang Ilg, Michael Diehl: Youth group trips in the mirror of multi-level analytical investigations. Experience with networked self-evaluation in non-formal educational settings. In: Journal for Evaluation . No. 10 , 2011, p. 225-248 .
  7. Federal Ministry for Family, Seniors, Women and Youth (Ed.): 15. Children and Youth Report. Report on the living situation of young people and the services provided by child and youth welfare in Germany. BMFSFJ, Berlin 2017, p. 389 .
  8. ^ German Bundestag: Strengthening the international youth and school exchange. Answer of the Federal Government to the minor question from MPs Beate Walter-Rosenheimer, Claudia Roth (Augsburg), Özcan Mutlu, other MPs and the Alliance 90 / THE GREENS parliamentary group - printed matter 18/9444. German Bundestag, Berlin October 4, 2016, p. 13 ( kleineanfragen.de ).