Frisian Nagelkaas

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Ripe Nagelkaas and Ripe Boerenkaas

Frisian Nagelkaas ( clove cheese ) is a type of cheese made with the addition of cloves and caraway seeds .

A protected variety is the Kanternagelkaas. This original Nagelkaas is made from skimmed milk. Frisian Nagelkaas is an unprotected name that is also used for cheese made from whole milk.


Nagelkaas was created at the time of the Dutch East India Company . In Friesland , cheese was made from skimmed milk. This cheese had little taste and was therefore seasoned. The cloves had a preservative effect, which made the cheese particularly suitable for transport on long voyages.


  • Brigitte Engelmann, Peter Holler: Das Feinschmecker Handbuch Käse, Podsdam 2013

Individual evidence

  1. Een laatbloeier , NRC, November 3, 2007