Full Tilt Boogie Band

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After Janis Joplin and Sam Andrew (gtr, voc) left Big Brother And The Holding Company , there were two different line-ups under the name Full Tilt Boogie Band (from December 1968 to December 1969), who also took part in the recordings for I. Got The Old Koszmic Blues Again Mama Was Involved.

Sam Andrew went back to Big Brother And The Holding Company after problems with Janis Joplin.

After Sam Andrew's departure, the band played with Janis Joplin (vocals), John Till (guitar, vocals), Brad Campbell (bass), Richard Bell (piano), Ken Pearson (organ), Clark Pierson (drums).

After the band set off on a tour through Canada with Grateful Dead and other bands in July 1970 , they gave their last concert together on their return on August 12, 1970 (before Janis Joplin's death on October 4, 1970) in Cambridge ( near Boston ), Massachusetts .

Then they returned to Los Angeles to finish recording the new Pearl album .