Funnel beaker culture finds in Norway

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Dolmen at Rødtangen, Norway

Archaeological finds of the Funnel Beaker Culture (TBK) in Norway mainly include stray finds at the Oslofjord and in the province of Østfold , but also 23 shallow graves and 25 depot finds (Onsøy ( German  Odinsinsel )). Both the sacrificial depots and the earth graves of the funnel cup culture are simpler forms compared to those in Denmark and southern Scandinavia .

In addition, five megalithic systems are known in the south-east of Norway . Skjeltorp, in Sarpsborg -Skjeberg in Østfold, was discovered as early as 1872, the remaining four have been discovered in the last few years in Holtenes (3) and Hurum (1) in the province of Buskerud . Finds from some of them, including sherds of known ceramic types, date to the middle phase of the TBK. But also flakes of flint and slate objects, which can be regarded as local influences, were found. Amber objects were found in grave III of Holtenes. The radiocarbon dates of Skjeltorp are 4560 ± 100 BP and Holtenes III is 4660 ± 80 BP. The megalithic phase of Holtenes was the only one to extend over a longer period. Otherwise it played a marginal role in Norway.


  • Einar Ostmo: Towards a border - Traces of megalithic ritual in the Fiord county . University of Oslo, Norway.

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