Functional training

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Functional training is a functional movement therapy with the means of physiotherapy and / or occupational therapy in order to have a targeted effect on certain physical structures such as muscles or joints. The aim of functional training is to maintain important functions through regular training, to improve or eliminate functional disorders and to delay functional losses of individual body parts or organ systems.

The types of functional training include in particular dry gymnastics and water aerobics .

In Germany, the cost bearers of the functional training are health insurance companies, statutory accident insurance companies and the German pension insurance. The cost bearers approve the functional training on medical prescription for a limited period of time, usually for 12 months, and usually assume the entire costs. The providers of functional training are often physiotherapy practices. They often offer functional training in connection with special equipment training, for which an additional payment has to be made.

In principle, functional training is only prescribed once by the cost bearer. Subsequent ordinances are usually not provided because the functional training is primarily intended to introduce the participants to the sport and then to continue doing it independently. However, some payers also check in individual cases whether a subsequent ordinance is necessary and possible. This can be the case especially after a completed rehab or due to a new diagnosis.

Functional training can be prescribed by any doctor. It is not subject to the Medicines Ordinance and is therefore budget-free for the doctor.

Functional training is usually offered as part of 30-minute group events under the direction of suitably qualified trainers, which usually take place once or twice a week or according to individual prescriptions. The group size is usually a maximum of 15 people.

Since SGB ​​IX came into force on January 1, 2001, insured persons of all ages have a legal right to functional training. Before using the functional training, an application must be submitted to the service provider.

Functional training has its origins in the treatment of rheumatic diseases, but today it can be used with any impairment of physical functions, such as B. for complaints of the musculoskeletal system, joint problems, osteoporosis, etc. can be used.

Functional training, however, is not prescribed for the treatment of acute complaints, i.e. not as an alternative to a prescription for medicinal products, such as B. Physiotherapy, but as a supplement to it. However, this does not apply to patients with chronic complaints who have to build up their support muscles over the long term.

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