Fuscus (charioteer)

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Grave slab of Fuscus from the 1st century. The inscription lists the exceptional racing record of the charioteer ( CIL 06 33950 )

Fuscus was a slave and an extremely successful charioteer in the first half of the 1st century. He belonged to the green party (factio prasina) and had an impressive racing record until his death at the age of 24. He was the first competitor ( cursor ) to win his first chariot race in 35. Fuscus was successful in 53 races in Rome and twice outside the city in the Circus der Arvalen, in honor of the goddess Dea Dia , and once in the Circus of Bovillae. In at least one race, which ended in a draw and therefore had to be restarted ( revocatus ), he was awarded the palm of victory.


  • Norbert Hanel - Àngel Morillo Cerdàn: Artistic riders (cursores, desultores) in small Roman sculptures. To identify a type of statuette , ed. Schnell and Steiner, Rome 2013, 339–354, here p. 343

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  1. ^ Harold Arthur Harris: Sport in Greece and Rome, XI The Organization of Roman Racing , ed. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, New York 1972, 193-213, here p. 206
  2. CIL 06, 33950