Gönczer barrel

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The Gönczer barrel was a liquid measure in Hungary . It was the so-called original runner. The measure referred to as wine vat was divided into 160 halves and corresponded to 133.3719 liters . 1 half was equal to 0.8335746 liters. The measure “half” was derived from the Bratislava bucket .

In the Hungarian Zemplin County , a Günczer barrel had 133.3363 liters.

In addition to the Gönczer barrel, there was also the Erlauer barrel with 96 halves and 80.0261616 liters and the large barrel, the Antalaka, with 1.5 Antalak = 3 Antal (small barrel)

  • 1 Antal = 73.3546 liters


  • Gustav Wagner, Friedrich Anton Strackerjan: Compendium of the coin, measure, weight and exchange rate relationships of all states and trading cities on earth . Verlag Teubner, Leipzig 1855, p. 122.

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Individual proof

  1. Karl Rumler: Overview of the measures, weights and currencies of the most excellent countries and trading centers in Europe, Asia, Africa and America, with special emphasis on Austria and Russia. Verlag Jasper, Hügel and Manz, Vienna 1849, p. 53.