Göttinger Volksblatt

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The Volksblatt , Volksblatt Göttingen or Göttinger Volksblatt was a daily social democratic local newspaper for the city and the district of Göttingen . It was founded in 1917 by members of the SPD . The Volksblatt was aimed at the workers and social democrats in Göttingen and reported politically one-sided.

Since 1932 the symbol of the “Iron Front against the Hitler Barons” was an integral part of the newspaper head. In 1933 the newspaper was banned by the National Socialists as part of the party ban and the conformity of the press .

Well-known editors were u. a. Werner Blumenberg and Richard Borowski .


  • Empire and Republic in Göttingen . Edited by Ernst Böhme. Documents from the Göttingen City Archives, No. 2. Göttingen, 2010.
  • Ekhard Sürig: Göttingen newspapers . Publications of the Göttingen City Archives I. Göttingen, 1985.